WeighCell 60
Built with ease of use and small footprint in mind this machine is light on resource needs, is capable of 60cpm and supports 202 cans in all sizes (8, 12, 16, 19.2). A star wheel powered by a stepper motor ensures accuracy to +- 1 gram. Comes standard with reject system for underweight cans.
Canturion 60
The smallest footprint possible for a weigh cell, reject system and labeler. This machine does it all. It weighs the cans using a star wheel powered by a stepper motor, rejects underweight cans and then labels only the cans with the proper amount of liquid to meet your quality standards
Labeler 60
Ever wonder why all labelers apply a label to a round can in a linear motion? Yeah, we did too! It doesn't make sense and it causes quality issues. Thanks to the revolutionary label drum we've removed the biggest headache of label application - and all in a much smaller footprint! The Labeler 60 is capable of all sizes of 202 cans and up to 60cpm!